Payment Fraud Prevention: Quick Pivots and Proactive Planning
Overview: Effective fraud prevention strategies do not stay effective indefinitely, they are maintained. Their effectiveness requires the ability to execute quick pivots in response fraud attacks while regularly reassessing whether the overall fraud prevention strategy continues to keep pace with evolving fraud trends and still aligns with internal business goals. The intent of this white paper is to help organizations examine their payment fraud prevention strategies from both of these perspectives: the ability to implement quick pivots that will contain fraud attacks, and acknowledging the need for long-run evolutions in the strategy via proactive planning.
Published: June 7, 2023Download the Report: Payment Fraud Prevention: Quick Pivots and Proactive Planning
Account Takeover: Fighting Fraud with Dynamic Friction
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published November 16, 2022
Stop Identity Fraud and Promo Abuse in the Face of a Potential Recession
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published November 9, 2022
Three Reasons ATO Needs to be a Priority this Holiday Season and Three Strategies to Address It
Overview: This white paper focuses on account takeover to specifically discuss why ATO risk should be top of mind for organizations as they prepare final risk management strategy tune-ups ahead of the eCommerce holiday shopping season, as well as provides considerations and strategies for combating this risk.
Published: September 14, 2022Download the Report: Three Reasons ATO Needs to be a Priority this Holiday Season and Three Strategies to Address It
3 Strategies to Stop Identity Fraud Before it Hurts Your Bottomline
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published August 17, 2022
Is this Really a New User? Detecting Fraud and Abuse at Account Opening
Overview: Many fraud and abuse events begin at the account opening event, but assessing risk at this stage is a difficult balance. While it is natural to lean towards user experience at this stage, any fraud or abuse that can be snuffed out at an early point in the customer journey saves operational and screening costs that would occur later on the path to an eventual order decline or, worse, a fraud loss. The focus of this white paper is to discuss the different types of attacks and fraud that organizations face at the account opening event, as well as strategies to mitigate both “hard” and “soft” attacks pertaining to automated screening and manual processes.
Published: July 27, 2022Download the Report: Is this Really a New User? Detecting Fraud and Abuse at Account Opening
Account Takeover and Alternative Payments: Understanding the Impact of the Fraud Economy
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published May 24, 2022
E-Commerce and Omni-Channel Fraud Following the Digital Acceleration (2021)
Overview: This white paper examines the trends and common themes associated with merchants who thrived versus merely survived 2020 and the lasting changes on eCommerce and omni-channel retail. This includes a look at differences in risk management strategy architecture, readiness to scale and effective communication between the digital and physical worlds to support a true Unified Commerce strategy.
Published: August 18, 2021Download the Report: E-Commerce and Omni-Channel Fraud Following the Digital Acceleration
Three Core Considerations for Evaluating Model-Based Fraud Scoring Providers
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published October, 2021
Maximizing Machine Learning Model Performance and Shelf-Life
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published September, 2021
Five Tips for Increasing Speed and Efficiency with Manual Reviews
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published August, 2021
The FraudBlog Site and Monthly Newsletter
The FraudBlog is focused on the eCommerce, digital payments and fraud industry, with most all posts and pages between 2011 and today written by Justin McDonald.
Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Primary Contributing Author, 2011 to Present
White Paper - Digital Onboarding in the Post-Pandemic New Norm
White paper written for risk management technology service provider discussing seismic changes in consumer behavior and risk management resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown. The white papers provides insights and perspective around why what worked for risk modeling in 2019 is no longer working in 2020 and considerations to adjust risk screening for new customer onboarding in the post-pandemic world.
Primary Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice
Published September, 2020
White Paper - Identifying and Streamlining Low Risk Customers or Applicants: Techniques and Benefits
White paper discussing strategies for identifying low risk applicants and claims for improving operational and risk management performance in the insurance and credit/lending industries. segmenting high and low risk claims, applications or order attempts allows organizations to treat these groups differently and in ways that benefit both the consumer and the business. This can provide substantial benefits for all parties in the online lending and insurance industries while being applied at both the quote or application and claims processes.
Primary Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice
Published June, 2019
Case Study: How WireCash Manages Fraud Underwriting Digital Money Transfers to High Risk Markets
In an industry where a single fraud or bad-debt loss can wipe out the profits earned from more than 100 legitimate orders, there is little room for trial-and-error. How then does a business find success in this industry that requires managing high risk and high potential losses despite relatively low margins? The Fraud Practice sought to uncover how WireCash learned the ropes in this difficult industry, while continuing to expand services to Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and several high risk countries like Ukraine and Nigeria where others wouldn’t dare go.
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published May, 2018
White Paper - Buy Versus Build: A Discussion for Today's Market
Primary author for joint white paper provided by Kount, Inc. and The Fraud Practice Inc. This white paper discusses business cases and criteria that can justify building homegrown risk management solutions in addition to third party services, including many considerations impacting ROI and total cost of ownership estimates.
Primary Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published March, 2017
White Paper - Building the Business Case: When it Makes Sense to Outsource Manual Reviews
Technical risk management and business oriented white paper discussing the considerations and factors to consider when assessing the cost of in-house fraud screening versus third party vendor options. This white paper defines and discusses several KPIs (key performance indicators) for fraud management and includes formulas to calculate the net cost/benefit of in-house manual reviews versus solution providers that will take the fraud liability.
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published March, 2015
Critical Capabilities that Can Enable Custom Modeling to Improve Business Intelligence
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published June 10, 2015
Leveraging Identity Document Verification in the Mobile Channel
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published May 13, 2015
With Custom Modeling, Deployment is Just as Critical as Design
Author: Justin McDonald, Sr. Risk Management Consultant, The Fraud Practice Inc.
Published March 18, 2015